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Three Guys From Miami: Miami/Little Havana Travel, Miami Restaurants, Cuban Culture and Food

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Glenn Lindgren: They say that everyone has a green thumb in Miami. Stick just about anything in the ground and in a week or two you have a giant leafy green thing growing in the backyard.

Raúl Musibay: Miami has a wide variety of tropical and semi-tropical plants. For most visitors from northern climes, Miami plant life is a new experience.

Jorge Castillo: Drive around any Miami neighborhood and you're going to see a lot of things you never saw in Dubuque!

Palm trees by a pond.

Miami's Tropical Gardens

Raúl Musibay: And we're just talking about plants here, folks.

Glenn Lindgren: The plant life here is quite remarkable and definitely beautiful. The county and state have really helped with massive plantings – especially palm trees – along the turnpike and expressways.

Jorge Castillo: Many of these trees replaced trees damaged by Hurricane Andrew.

Raúl Musibay: Drive through a tree-lined street in Coral Gables and you will enjoy a wonderful tropical plant experience.

Red flowers

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Fairchild Tropical Gardens

Fruit and Spice Park

Glenn Lindgren: But what if you want a more "up close and personal" experience? Miami people are friendly, but unfortunately, most people aren't going to be too enthusiastic about opening up their backyards to curious travelers.

Jorge Castillo: If you really want to get to know and love Miami flora, there are a few places where you can get out the car and immerse yourself in a tropical garden.

Glenn Lindgren: If you don't know a Mangifera indica (mango) from a Hevea brasiliensis (rubber tree), why not visit a place where they have people who can set you straight? In no time, you too can be a tropical plant expert.

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The Details

This new Kindle version contains all of the recipes and editorial copy from the original print edition. As a bonus, the new Kindle edition includes 24 new photos of the prepared dishes.



This new Kindle version contains all of the recipes and editorial copy from the original print edition. As a bonus, the new Kindle edition includes 14 new photos of the prepared dishes.


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Three Guys From Miami:

Cuban, Spanish, and Latin American food recipes, Miami/Little Havana Travel Guide, Miami Restaurant Guide, Hispanic Culture & Food
The Three Guys From Miami are: Raúl Musibay, Glenn Lindgren, and Jorge Castillo
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