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Three Guys From Miami: Miami/Little Havana Travel, Miami Restaurants, Cuban Culture and Food

Little Havana/Calle Ocho Travel Guide

"Eating Little Havana" - A Restaurant & Food Guide

Spotlight On:

Taqueria el Mexicano
Glenn: If you're looking for ice cream in Little Havana and can't find the newly opened Azucar Ice Cream Company, we suggest that you get your eyes checked!

Jorge: Azucar is located in a decidedly can't-miss-location in the heart of little Havana...

Glenn: ...the mega-sized cone that adorns the front of Azucar can be seen a block away, in a downpour!

Raúl: The owner, Suzy Batlle dishes up some great ice cream in all of my favorite Cuban flavors.

Jorge: Sure, you can get many of the standard "American" flavors here -- chocolate, vanilla, rum raisin, strawberry, and pistachio, but you can get those anywhere.

Raúl: When you come to Miami, it's all about going Latin and we suggest you introduce your jaded Midwestern taste buds to some great tropical flavors.

Azucar Ice Cream Company

Photos courtesy Azucar Ice Cream Company
Taqueria el Mexicano

Raúl: Batlle dishes up all of our favorite fruit flavors, including guava, passion fruit, coconut, mamey, mango -- even avocado.

Jorge: Even more enticing are flavors like mantecado, a rich Cuban ice cream that traditionally contains no vanilla; the mandatory dulce de leche, cuatro leches cake, and a plátano maduro that does banana one better with the more complex yet subtle flavor of sweet plantain.

Glenn: One flavor to look for: guarapiña -- a combination of sugar cane juice and pineapple.

Raúl: Even I had never seen that one before!

Glenn: We were introduced to the shop by a friend who brought us the store's signature dish, a combination of mantecado ice cream, galletas de María cookies, strips of guava paste, and chunks of cream cheese. Wow!

Jorge: The ice cream is based on a recipe from Batlle's grandmother from Cuba, but it's the creative flavors that Batlle has concocted that really makes this place shine.

The Details

Azucar Ice Cream Company
1503 SW 8th Street
Miami, Florida 33135
Program the address into your IPhone if technology compels you to, but it's so much easier to look for the giant crazy cone right across the street from the Tower Theater and Domino Park. As if the cone on the façade wasn't enough to get your attention, they occasionally dress someone up in a cone costume (costumed "sidewalk salespeople" are a tradition in Miami) to lure in the frozen cream deprived. On a hot day on La Calle, Azucar is just the ticket.


ATMOSPHERE: Very casual

HOURS: Sunday through Wednesday 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. | Thursday through Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

DRESS: Very Casual


There's More! Read On:

Calle Ocho Restaurants

Calle Ocho | Calle Ocho Culture |

Calle Ocho Shopping | Calle Ocho Artists | Calle Ocho Sights

"Three Guys From Miami Cook Cuban" is now available as a Kindle eBook.

This new Kindle version contains all of the recipes and editorial copy from the original print edition. As a bonus, the new Kindle edition includes more than 24 new photos of the prepared dishes.



"Three Guys From Miami Cook Cuban"


Three Guys From Miami Show You How to Make the Best Cuban, Spanish, and Latin American Food!


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Three Guys From Miami:

Cuban, Spanish, and Latin American food recipes, Miami/Little Havana Travel Guide, Miami Restaurant Guide, Hispanic Culture & Food

The Three Guys From Miami are: Raúl Musibay, Glenn Lindgren, and Jorge Castillo
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